Scouts, schools, institutions etc. can rent the Scouts and Guides center Gurredam.
In the menu to the left, you can find information about which buildings and campgrounds that can be rented and the different prices. You can also view a calendar of when the center is occupied.
Be aware that the weekends are reserved for scouts, with no exceptions.
Electricity, water and firewood are included in the rental rate. There will be an extra fee if you use very large amounts of firewood.
It is possible to book Gurredam 12 months ahead. When renting the center during the weekdays you have it from noon to noon. You can use the outdoor areas outside these hours, but the cabins must be left at this time, so new tenants can get in.
Please send us a booking request (form in left menu) when you have decided which parts of the center you would like to rent and for which period. Your request will be answered the following Tuesday between 6pm and 8pm.
You are welcome to contact us if you have any further questions.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and phone: +45 49 29 91 02 (Tuesday 6pm-8pm)